All gifts are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to make your contribution via the following ways:
Make a donation via PayPal
Mail your check, payable to Park Slope Schoolhouse, to Park Slope Schoolhouse, Attn: 556 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Like many independent schools, Park Slope Schoolhouse is a non-profit and we rely on other sources of income to fund programs, in addition to tuition. The tuition that comes in only covers a percentage of the total cost of educating each child. Contributions from our Annual Appeal and fundraising events help support programs such as Bilingual Birdies, music classes, the green wall, the sensory gym and staff development workshops. Please consider making a tax deductible gift. While large donations are very helpful, any amount helps.

Involve Your Company
Designate Your Workplace Gift: If you participate in a workplace giving program, you can designate Park Slope Schoolhouse as the recipient of your gift.
Matching Gifts: If your employer matches gifts to charitable organizations, please take a moment to forward the necessary form with your gift or ask us to contact your employer.
Park Slope Schoolhouse is grateful for bequests that may be used immediately upon receipt and where most needed. The donor receives an estate tax deduction for the full amount of the bequest. To make a bequest to Park Slope Schoolhouse, the following language will be helpful to your lawyer:
I give and bequeath to Park Slope Schoolhouse, a New York non-profit early childcare education center whose address is 556 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215, the sum of ________ (or otherwise describe the gift or specify a percentage of the estate) for its general operating fund.
There are three ways to make a bequest:
- Specific Bequest Designate a specific dollar amount, specific percentage of the total estate, or specific property to Park Slope Schoolhouse.
- Residual Bequest After paying all debts, taxes, expenses, and specific bequests, transfer the remainder of your estate to Park Slope Schoolhouse.
- Contingent Bequest Designate that Park Slope Schoolhouse receive all or a portion of our estate only under certain circumstances. For example, you can name Park Slope Schoolhouse as a beneficiary of your estate only if there are no surviving close family members. Among other things, a donor may bequeath cash, securities, real estate, or life insurance.