At Park Slope Schoolhouse, we foster a warm, collaborative and engaging partnership with our families. We celebrate cultural and individual differences, support dual-language learners, and include children with disabilities in all aspects of the program.
Part of the PSS community is our parent committee who meets monthly to plan and coordinate periodic parent meet-ups, fundraisers and other school events. Families are always welcome to visit their child’s classroom to share a cultural tradition, a personal talent or their favorite book with the class.
One of our biggest assets at PSS is the extensive family support that we provide to our families. For one, our child development specialist and our occupational therapist both work closely together with the children, the teachers and the parents to create individualized support for each child. They also provide teacher- and parent workshops, as well as one-on-one parenting sessions. Furthermore, we offer four parent-teacher conferences per year and support your child’s transition to pre-k. Lastly, parents have access to our school app Lillio for direct daily communication with their child’s teachers.